The Tech Artist

One man's blunderings into the 3D realm

Project maintained by Derfies Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


02 Sep 2011 -

My first serious project done for Panda3D using Python. There have been number of projects undertaken by Panda users to create scene editors in the past, but none to my knowledge that go beyond transforming nodes by punching numbers into a property grid. As I’ve always found Maya’s gizmos to be extremely user friendly, I used them as a template and tried to reproduce their appearance and behaviour as accurately as possible.


I’ve tried to design this package to be as flexible as possible, and to have that “drop in” usability that doesn’t require much effort on the part of the developer. It shouldn’t be harder to integrate into another project than importing the package, instantiating a manager and a few gizmo and then binding your chosen keys.


Check out the gizmos being used to manipulate some objects in this thrilling demonstration:

Version History:

