The Tech Artist

One man's blunderings into the 3D realm

Project maintained by Derfies Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Back in the Saddle

11 Aug 2011 -

Since becoming a full time Tech Artist and spending the last two and a bit years coding in Maxscript and Python as much as possible, I’ve found it a rare occasion to sit down in front of Maya and actually model something. So long in fact, that I was beginning to wonder if I still knew how.

Luckily I found all my hotkeys and scripts somewhere deep within the bowels of my computer which made the transition from Max to Maya that much easier, and after an hour or so my fingers started to remember where everything was and I was able to pick up the pace.

I know it’s a pretty simple object to model and I’m not hugely excited by the lighting and rendering, but I’m happy with it as the first decent stab at asset creation in a while. The point of the exercise wasn’t to create a render anyway, I’m actually planning on using the model as part of a real time rendering project. However after getting stuck into the texturing I couldn’t resist setting up some lights and brushing up on some of those Mental Ray skills.

You can see a couple more renders in the gallery.